
We stand behind our workmanship!

The basics are listed below but they aren't written in stone. We are very reasonable and aim to make you more than pleased with our service.

Standard Guarantee

We will replace defective parts listed on your invoice at no charge, or refund the cost (our choice), within the term or miles (whichever comes first) noted on your invoice from the original date of service. Warranty limited to items charged for on your invoice. Warranty applies only as long as the vehicle is owned by the current owner. Any and all warranty repairs must be pre-approved by Auto Centric.

Business Code of Ethics

"Character is doing what's right when nobody's looking." J.C. Watts, Jr.

For a business to succeed, it must earn the respect and confidence of those it aspires to serve. The most significant factor in earning this respect and confidence is to act and conduct business in an ethical manner.

We have made a commitment to display leadership in ethical decisions by following these fundamental practices:

  • To have a sense of personal obligation to each customer.
  • To perform high quality repair service at a fair and just price.
  • To offer the customer a price estimate for work to be performed.
  • To recommend and explain which services are necessary to maintain the vehicle in safe working order and which are for preventive maintenance.
  • To obtain prior authorization for all work performed.
  • To notify the customer if appointments or completion promises cannot be kept.
  • To use only products which are of high quality.
  • To employ highly skilled staff and ensure that they conduct themselves in a professional manner.
  • To enable replaced parts to be given to the customer or inspected upon request.
  • To exercise reasonable care for the customer's property while it is in our possession.
  • To provide or post copies of any warranties covering parts or services.
Auto Centric is committed to ensuring effective communication and digital accessibility to all users. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and apply the relevant accessibility standards to achieve these goals. We welcome your feedback. Please call Auto Centric (616) 364-4001 if you have any issues in accessing any area of our website.